Saturday, July 27, 2013

Week 2 EOC: Ethics In Advertising Part 2

Continuing further into the ethics in advertising, the second section from the article by CNN was about hazardous substances. It explained that while we don't always know what is hazardous (from the obvious things like alcohol and cigarettes), it is still important to be truthful in the ad. Especially in this category, where the cost for accountability is higher.
An example of a advertisement with hazardous substances that not only kept the truth in mind, but remembered to make the ads shocking. An article from the National Health website, covered campaign from the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions campaign to raise awareness on smoking. The images are shocking and graphic, showing former smokers in a pose that exposes the consequences of smoking. One displays a man shaving his beard, looking at the camera with a serious expression, and showing the stoma that was his consequence from his smoking. The words in bold "BE CAREFUL NOT TO CUT YOUR STOMA" is placed above a his name, current age, and the age that he was diagnosed at. This was one of the hard-hitting ads used in the campaign.

 Even if the truth is what sells today, many were outraged and saying that they were too aggressive and shocking. It did serve its purpose though, according to public health leaders that praised the campaign. The article pointed that that research showed that these type of ads were the ones that created the most effective.


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